12 Joe Andrade

This episode of YumaSeen we are joined by Great & Powerful Joe Andrade. If you dont know Joe or haven't had the luck to see him lift massive amounts of weight we got to sit down with him hours before his hunt to bullshit and hear a little bit more on his life. We talked about his upcoming hunt, and how he developed his interest for it. We dove into his experiences has a Minor League player for the Brewers as well as his family history with music & of course some weightlifting. Awesome conversation with my guy, and we appreciate him coming on and sharing some of his story with us. Follow Joe's Instagram below https://www.instagram.com/olympiadajoe/ and if you're in the need for weightlifting gear head down to https://olympiadagear.com to get yourself fixed up on some essential gear & pick up a CrossFat. Thanks for listening to his episode y'all!

Eric Castanos